
support inpractopia. inpractopia supports.

Donate. Sponsor. Partner With Us.

We greatly rely on your generosity (you the listener and liker of our content) to keep inpractopia going, to help it reach audiences and help support causes and initiatives by groups and individuals in the region.

Through our guests I learn about the good that is our people and causes that can be promoted through this platform. By bringing you this podcast, I am living my inpractopia.

If you find our guests, topics and discussions insightful, please consider supporting this series in any of the following ways. You will always know when we make a donation to causes you contribute to through announcements on the podcast and the website and social media.

Charities, foundations and initiatives supported by inpractopia

Foundation for the Development of Caribbean Children

Caribbean Science Foundation (SPICE summer program)

Jump rope program in Saint Lucia primary schools

    Want to sponsor or partner with us? Fill out the contact form and lets talk. Or email at

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